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By July 26, 2016 Uncategorized

I said when I started blogging that I wouldn’t be political. But this story I couldn’t resist.

Brexit. Great Britain is going through a bit of turmoil over their recent vote to exit the European Union. It seems the kitty cats that reside at the Prime Minister’s residence; 10 Downing Street and the Foreign Office right around the corner do not agree as well.

Here’s the full story from the NY Times.

This is the PM’s cat, Larry. Named after someone named Larry I assume. Larry

Below, isĀ Palmerston. Named after the Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865) who was a two time Prime MinisterĀ and three time Foreign Minister who was known for his aggressive manner and “gunboat diplomacy”. Hmmm…appropriately named methinks.

Palmerston 2

Palmerston won.

Larry bad paw


About bkirby

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